Thursday, May 14, 2009

So Much Talent, So Little Time: part three

Use a Placement Agency. There are many benefits to using a placement firm for recruitment. Many firms will screen candidates before referring them to you. This can greatly reduce the administrative tasks associated with recruitment. By having a placement firm as the first point of contact for an applicant, you will review fewer resumes. Of those submitted, the resumes will be an appropriate match to your company’s needs. In many cases, the new hire is on the placement firm’s payroll for a period of time, meaning a fee is paid to the firm during that time. For a list of some of the placement firms in the Greater Rochester Area, please click here. There is also the option of paying a fee to have your job advertised and applicants pre-screened by a professional in the staffing industry. In this case, you will receive advice with recommendations on which candidates seem like the best fit for your needs. This saves you valuable time avoiding looking at resumes that are not qualified for the position. One local company that offers this service is Smart Start Hiring System.

If you plan to use a placement agency to find candidates, clear communication and solid relationships are very important. In order to get the best fit possible, be clear on exactly what you are looking for in a candidate. Talk to them about the skill set you need as well as what the culture of your company is like. This will help them make accurate recommendations that are more in-line with your needs. This process will get easier as you build a relationship with the agencies.