Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So Much Talent, So Little Time: part two

Use your local One-Stop. Located within your local One-Stop are representatives from different service providing agencies. These agencies work together with One-Stop staff to provide seamless workforce services to both job seekers and businesses. RochesterWorks is the One-Stop center for Monroe County.

The Business Services department of a One-Stop center can act as an extension of your Human Resource department. They can save you time and money. While services vary by center, some of these include: posting job opportunities, screening resumes, pre-employment assessments, making job-match referrals, scheduling interviews, hosting recruitment events and even help with training.

Most of the services provided by One-Stops are at no cost. These centers see job candiates of all backgrounds and skills levels. They have resources to help you recruit and train the workforce you need and are a wonderful source of information for both businesses and job seekers. To find a local One-Stop near you, visit: The Career One-Stop.