Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So Much Talent, So Little Time, part 4

Move resumes onto the next step in the application process quickly. We all know that today it is common to receive hundreds of resumes for each opening you have posted. Quickly scan the resume, looking for key words, accomplishments and skills, to see if there is a good match. If it's not an appropriate fit, file it appropriately and immediately. Make it a rule to handle the resume once and only once. Get it off of your desk so that you don’t spend time looking at it multiple times. If you know you will not contact that person for an interview then there is no point in keeping it where you will have to review it again. File it or send it to someone else who might be interested in talking to that person.

Talent is abundant in our region! This is a great thing, but it can also make the hiring process more difficult. When you can speed up that process, everyone benefits. The result is you spend your precious time finding a terrific candidate who joins your company that much sooner.