Friday, February 26, 2010

Develop a Technology Strategy and Go for Gold

Technology is constantly evolving, and can often provide small businesses with the competitive edge needed to stay ahead of the competition and become more profitable.

Consider how technology is being used at this year’s Olympic Games in Vancouver. Skiers and snowboarders are using newly engineered skis and boards to reach new speeds and heights. Aerodynamic suits allow speed skaters to move even faster across the ice. And the Olympics are now streamed online, with up-to-the-minute results available through Twitter, Facebook and other websites.

What are some small ways your business can “go for the gold” and use technology and innovation to enhance the products and services you deliver to customers?

Start by reviewing the key needs of your business, whether it be reducing inefficiencies, improving your response time to customers, or increasing sales, and consider developing a technology strategy or plan to address the issue.

For tips on developing a strategy and hooking into the technology trends of 2010, check out this article from Baseline Magazine.