Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Social Media 101: Part 4 - When

When - This is the forth in a five part series.

First, determine how much time can be allocated to your SM presence. It is important that content is current and relevant. You should have a regular presence, meaning update your information on a regular basis. Nick Francesco of says that by doing this, people will come to understand that you will be there, ready to share your knowledge, on a regular basis. People will begin to get more comfortable and familiar with you. The amount of time you can commit will help you determine which SM outlet you can begin with as some take more time to manage than others. A blog, for example, requires new content on a regular basis and the content is longer than what you would post to Twitter and other outlets. Tips on saving time will be shared with you as we compile them.

Will conclude this series with discussing why you want to use social media.